May I barbecue here?
If you get hungry after hiking, you can prepare your own food on one of the impressive Ötscher:Barbecue sets. Additionally, there are several fire pits for a cosy campfire.
The motto: Come and grill your own food!
The high-rising Ötscher:Barbecue sets made from iron can be found at various spots throughout the nature park. The popular barbecue sets are located at the Ötscher Base in Wienerbruck, at the Schutzhaus Vorderötscher refuge, at the "Anna-Alm" mountain inn in Annaberg and at the Ötscherschutzhaus, the refuge on Mt. Ötscher in Lackenhof. At the Ötscher Base, you are welcome to simply fire up the grill and bring your own food!
Fire pits for a cosy campfire are located at the Ötscher Base and at the Schutzhaus Vorderötscher refuge. You are welcome to use the campfire pit at the Ötscher Base nature park centre during the summer season!
Outside of these designated areas, lighting a fire is strictly prohibited!
If you want to know more about the nature park and the region, you are in good hands with our nature and culture educators. Whether you would like to go on a morning hike through the Ötscher Gorges, on a yodelling hike to the Schutzhaus Vorderötscher refuge or a night hike complete with campfire – the nature educators personally accompany you through one of Austria's most impressive landscapes.